Select check-in date
Select available check-in date
Are your desired dates unavailable due to our required minimum night stay or set arrival/departure dates? Call us at 423-815-1562 or book a call with our Expert Trip-Planners. You can also join our Waitlist
Understanding our Booking Calendar
  • Only check-in days are highlighted
  • Reservations can be Mon-Wed, Wed-Frid, Mon-Fri or Fri-Mon.
  • 2-night minimum during the week, 3-night minimum for weekends.
  • Rare instances of non Mon/Wed/Fri will be highlighted and available to reserve.
Possible booking examples
Open Calendar


Want to give your loved ones an experience that will leave them feeling on top of the world? We offer digital gift cards for our mountaintop retreat so you can give a gift of an unforgettable experience!

Bolt Farm Treehouse Gift Cards