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7 Ways To Reconnect on Your Next Romance Retreat

Inspired by Cole and Savannah Labrant's Bolt Farm Treehouse Escape
Written by
Bolt Farm Staff
Published on
April 30, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, carving out moments for rest and reconnection with your partner is more than a luxury—it's a necessity for the heart. 

Cole and Savannah Labrant, adored across YouTube for their heartwarming and genuine family content, recently chose the tranquility of Bolt Farm Treehouse to step away from their bustling lives, offering a perfect canvas to disconnect from the outer world and rediscover the essence of their bond.

Drawing inspiration from the Labrant's enchanting stay in our LUXE Domes, here are seven recipes for rest designed to deepen your connection on your next romantic retreat.

1. Digital Detox

Embrace the Labrants' approach and initiate your retreat with a digital detox. Designate a spot to tuck away your gadgets and vow to be fully present. The absence of constant digital interruptions will open the door to meaningful conversations and the simple joy of each other’s company, all within the tranquil embrace of the Bolt Farm Treehouse.

2. Nature Immersion

Whether it’s a morning hike or a leisurely stroll under the stars, the healing power of nature is undeniable. Our wellness retreat in Tennessee, nestled on a mountaintop with inspiring views, offers the perfect setting for reconnecting with nature—and each other. 

Let the lush surroundings of your treehouse retreat inspire you to immerse yourselves in the beauty of the natural world.

3. Mindful Meals

Share the joy of cooking and savoring meals together, away from any distractions. Select recipes that are both nourishing and simple to prepare as a couple. The process of cooking and dining together in the cozy confines of your private villa can transform a basic meal into an intimate bonding experience.

Learn more about our culinary options at Bolt Farm

4. Slow Mornings with Coffee

Cherish the art of slow mornings. Begin your day with the warmth of a shared cup of coffee, sitting amidst the serenity of your villa with a view. Allow yourselves the luxury of easing into the day without rush, savoring each sip and the quiet moments of togetherness. These peaceful mornings can set a tone of calm and connection for your day ahead.

5. Music and Dancing

Invite the rhythm into your retreat with music and dancing. Select a playlist that resonates with both of you, and let the music fill your space. Dance together, whether it's a slow sway to a love ballad or a joyful jive to an upbeat tune. This isn't just about the fun; it's a way to physically connect and share moments of laughter and love.

6. Creative Expression

Explore creative activities together. Whether it’s journaling, sketching the scenic views from your treehouse, or composing a song inspired by the tranquility of your surroundings, creativity can forge new, deeper connections and offer fresh perspectives on your relationship.

7. Gratitude Practice

Conclude each day by sharing what you're most grateful for about each other. This practice not only nurtures positivity but also reinforces the emotional bond you share, making every moment at the Bolt Farm Treehouse even more meaningful.

Cole and Savannah Labrant’s retreat to the Bolt Farm Treehouse is a beautiful testament to the transformative power of taking time out to focus on each other. By incorporating these seven recipes for rest into your next romantic getaway, you’re not just planning a break from the routine; you're investing in the depth, strength, and vitality of your relationship, ensuring it thrives amidst the challenges and chaos of daily life.

Are you ready to experience the magic of a couples retreat in a serene dome, magical treehouse or immersive mirror cabin? Let the story of Cole and Savannah inspire you to explore a unique escape that blends adventure, relaxation, and romance. 

Book your stay in a LUXE Dome and discover the perfect backdrop to reconnect, unwind, and write your own love story. Start planning your unforgettable retreat today and reignite the spark in your relationship under the stars

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